

Posted by Xiaotong on August 26, 2017


  1. SandDance
  2. LineDot Chart
  3. Table Sorter
  4. Network Navigator
  5. Time Brush
  6. Attribute Slicer
  7. Gantt
  8. Stars
  9. Image Viewer
  10. Long Text Viewer
  11. Waffle Chart
  12. Mekko Chart
  13. GapAnalysis
  14. Box and Whisker(Brad)
  15. Box and Whisker(Jan Pieter)
  16. Sankey with Labels
  17. Sankey Bar Chart
  18. Percentile Chart
  19. Horizontal Funnel
  20. Linear Gauge
  21. Dial Gauge
  22. Sankey
  23. Synoptic Panel SQLBI
  24. Timeline
  25. Scroller
  26. Global Map
  27. Sparkline
  28. Force-Directed Graph
  29. Advanced Time Slicer
  30. Word Cloud
  31. Chiclet Slicer
  32. Stream Graph
  33. Sunburst
  34. Bubble
  35. Table Heatmap
  36. Tornado
  37. Aster Plot
  38. Bullet Chart
  39. Calendar Visualization
  40. Card with States by SQLBI
  41. Chord
  42. Dotplot
  43. Enhanced Scatter
  44. Histogram
  45. KPI Indicator
  46. Radar Chart
  47. Hexbin Scatterplot
  48. Enlighten Aquarium